My Founding Principle: A Fresh Start in 2018

As part of the Real Women Move Challenge, we were challenged to answer the following question:

What makes you feel most alive?

Then, we were asked to come up with a founding principle that reflects the answer to that question.  I will be honest, I've had a turbulent and yet, still successful year. Some things beyond my control happened and coping with those things can be challenging for anyone.

When I answer the question, "What makes me feel most alive?", I think of hiking trips to waterfalls, how I feel after I accomplish something I didn't think I could do, exploring new places, traveling, trying new things, spending time at the beach, discovering what my two boys love (one is really into marine science and the other loves creating short stories and studying maps/countries), laughing and not stressing out.  Being a mom, exploring the outdoors, accomplishing hard things, enjoying life, those are what makes me feel the most alive. In light of going through a few years of difficult circumstances that still linger, I kind of lost myself except for a few shining moments in 2017.  The moments I felt so alive in 2017 were a trip to the beach for my birthday, going kayaking in the open water, learning to salsa dance, completing the Caldera Triple at Grand Teton and Yellowstone and Achieving Marathon Maniac status. 



Those 2017 moments stand out in my mind as the times I felt my best.  What was missing in 2018 was focusing on my total wellness - spiritual, mental and physical.  Stress and depression led to gaining about 50 pounds and many of those days, I didn't even eat much.  My nutrition was out of whack, my injuries returned, allergy headaches interrupted my health and negative thinking got in the way on days I needed to run. I didn't spend as much time doing my daily devotionals or reading the Bible.  So, all of these reflections and insights led me to my founding principle:

"When I focus on my physical, mental and spiritual wellness, 
my impossibles become possible and my heart is full of joy."

This exercise was eye opening and helped me to refocus my energy on my physical, mental and spiritual wellness this year, which will allow the joy to return. I plan to do more hiking, become more intentional with nutrition, spend more time praying and reading my devotionals, and do the work to keep my body physically fit!  It's going to be a great year!

By the way, being intentional with my nutrition and engaging in my devotional more regularly has already led to 4 pounds gone within the first week of plugging into my total wellness.  I'm encourage to keep going for the first time in a year!  Stay tuned for future updates on my progress.

What helps you feel alive and what is your founding principle? I would love to hear yours too!
