My Founding Principle: A Fresh Start in 2018

As part of the Real Women Move Challenge, we were challenged to answer the following question: What makes you feel most alive? Then, we were asked to come up with a founding principle that reflects the answer to that question. I will be honest, I've had a turbulent and yet, still successful year. Some things beyond my control happened and coping with those things can be challenging for anyone. When I answer the question, "What makes me feel most alive?", I think of hiking trips to waterfalls, how I feel after I accomplish something I didn't think I could do, exploring new places, traveling, trying new things, spending time at the beach, discovering what my two boys love (one is really into marine science and the other loves creating short stories and studying maps/countries), laughing and not stressing out. Being a mom, exploring the outdoors, accomplishing hard things, enjoying life, those are what makes me feel the most alive. In light of going through a fe...