These Are A Few of My Favorite Bling!

Every year, I like to reflect on another year of running and the best races of the year.  This year, my favorite races include some amazing bling and so I've rated my Top 10 Bling of the Year!  It was a really tough year to decide on my favorites as I added so many awesome medals to the collection.

#10 - Snohomish River Run Half Marathon and 10K medal. I ran the half marathon, but those of both distances get the same medal. I kind of like having a unique one for the half marathon distance, but they did a nice job with this medal and it is really big bling!  This race is run by Snohomish Running Company and they had a choice of soup at the finish line, which helped us warm up.

#9 - One of my favorite annual events is the Hop Hop Half Marathon and they seriously have the best perks after the race - mimosas, hot breakfast, it's pretty amazing!  The medal this year was a popular spinning medal of their mascot.  Another cute touch at this race is the water stop with jelly beans and peeps!

#8 - Coming in at #8 is the Couve Clover Run.  They have three distances - 10 miler, lucky 7 miler and a 3 miler.  I always run the 7 miler.  The course enjoys some water views and they typically have nice perks at the finish like a food truck with warm grilled cheese sandwiches.  I won 3rd place in my division the first year I did the race and even got an extra awesome medal.  I didn't place this year, but still got this crazy big medal for a 7 mile run!  This event is run by Why Racing and they have top notch events.  Can't go wrong with this race company.

#7 - Honestly, I'm surprised a Rock n Roll Series medal made my list this year, but this Seattle Half Marathon medal is really stunning.  I also LOVED the new course!  I wasn't sure about running it again, but decided to try the new Stadium to Stadium course and it was beautiful.  Lots of time along the water and fun distractions with selfie stops and of course, the mile honoring the military was touching. Sorry for the shadow in the photo, but the Seattle medal is glittery and really beautiful.

#6 - I became a fan of Uberthons this year and the course for the Summer Half is absolutely gorgeous. It is in a state park and through a beautiful forest. Of course, the medal has a beautiful scene of the Oregon coast with the sea stakes that made every mile of this race worth running.

#5 - In 2017, I ran or mostly walked my first trail half marathon!  I really learned it was a different animal than a street race, but I have to say the race directors and volunteers made this race so special.  I was struggling to catch my breathe and every time I thought I was good another hill arrived. The mud was thick and that made it harder than I expected. But, the Mud & Chocolate Trail Half Marathon was a highlight of my year and they give you two medals!  A medal to keep and a chocolate medal to eat.  The finish line also includes a full spread of chocolate goodies.  I kept apologizing for being so slow and the directors seriously provided incredible support and encouragement even during my tough first experience with trail half marathon distance.  They even gave my two sons treats to enjoy for waiting for Mom so long!  A top notch event and beautiful medal!

#4 - The medals are pretty much the same style and part of the Caldera Challenge, so I'm including them all here with the Vacation Races Yellowstone Half and Grand Teton Half medals including the Caldera Medal and 5K medal as a tie for #4.  I did have some rocky experiences with the medals, but the race company really did their best to fix it all.  My Grand Teton medal broke the day I received it and they easily exchanged it for me at Yellowstone the following weekend.  Then, the Caldera medals arrived in the mail after the event and mine arrived broken, so they had to reissue another one.  It took a while, but I have to say, they did all they could to make up for it by sending an extra t-shirt and magnets from the event.  Things happen and they followed through.  The courses are tough, so these are hard earned medals but they are also very beautiful! 

#3 - Little Rock Half Marathon was awesome and the bling perfect!  Very proud of my home state race and the awesomeness they put into every theme and every medal.  I love that this medal also spins!  The VIP room was worth every penny and highly recommend for anyone running Little Rock.

#2 -  It was honestly tough to choose between these two medals because 2017 brought Marathons #2 and #3 after a LONG break from the 26.2 distance, so both of these medals are extra special and gorgeous as well!  My #2 is Portland Marathon and the details on this medal are amazing!  Not only do you receive this medal, but they give you a pendant and a coin with the same design!  So much awesome swag at Portland and I'll be returning next year for the half marathon.  The photos seriously do not do this medal justice, it is stunning!

#1 - The #1 bling of 2017 is my NYC Marathon medal and it is partially for the details on the medal and partially for the experience of a lifetime!  I'm so blessed to have had the opportunity to complete this race and will never forget running the streets of NYC and running through Brooklyn especially!  I didn't get mine engraved due to the long lines at Marathon Monday, but will cherish this finish for a very long time.  I'm going to try to get in again in 2020!

What is your favorite bling from 2017?  Don't be shy, I would love to see your favorite piece of hardware you earned this year!


  1. The Hip Hop Half medal is so cute! The race sounds fun too! The Caldera Challenge medals are neat. I would love to run Yellowstone someday. Oh, Little Rock, I don't think I've ever seen a bad medal from them! Definitely a race on my to-do list!
    And, you KNOW I love the NYC Marathon medal. It's such a hard-earned race and everyone who runs it is a superstar IMO.

    1. Shannon, there were so many good ones this year and was hard to even narrow down to this group. Yellowstone is pretty awesome, def. do hill training and some trail training as parts are pretty rocky! But, it is a great event! I can't wait to do Little Rock again some day and NYC too!


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