Seattle Half Marathon Recap
Seattle Half Marathon - What a Race!
I had the opportunity to serve as a Seattle Marathon Ambassador this year with my initial goal being 26.2 on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Little did I know that the year would involve a great deal of health ups and downs that limited my training and landed me in the half marathon instead. Although I was disappointed, this was the most energizing race! The weather was cool but not freezing. It didn't rain and only very lightly misted toward the end.
Seattle really had it all together! The expo was packed with so many items and amazing finisher jackets! This is one of my favorite items ever and I typically don't buy finisher gear pre-race (just in case) but this time I did because I was worried there wouldn't be any left. Our bags were packed with samples and coupons and yummy treats! I had the opportunity to work the booth and meet lots of amazing people from all over the country who came to Seattle just for this race. I may have talked my Skirt Sports Ambassador sister to also sign up for next year at a great rate!
Early race morning, I found my friend Cindy who was running her first half
marathon! I was so happy to have her choose this awesome race as her
first! I was also able to find fellow Ambassador, Michelle, and we were able to start the race together. She was such an amazing support and calmed my nerves that were raging because of the lack of consistent training these past two months.
Although I was nowhere near my typically half marathon time, I proudly jogged this last stretch to the finish line and absolutely loved running on the field at the end! The weather was wonderful - very light mist a couple of times but no heavy rain and really there was barely a drop the whole way. The temperature was chilly but not unbearable at all.
My year as a Seattle Marathon Ambassador was incredibly rewarding and I made some great friends in the process. This has been a successful year despite the health ups and downs. This team below made the Seattle Marathon one of the best events ever, even though that hill around mile 8 almost broke me during the race. Crossing the finish line meant I conquered mind over matter and didn't give up! Seattle was half marathon #40 and one to never forget! I hope you will join me next year for #runsea17 and if you are interested in being an Ambassador, they are currently searching for the 2017 Ambassadors to represent the marathon next year. I'll be running again and hope to be back to normal and gliding across the finish line much easier next time. Happy Running and don't forget to apply to be a 2017 Seattle Marathon Ambassador -
Even though you weren't able to do the full it sounds like you had a great year as a Seatlle Marathon Ambassador! Congrats on your finish!!!