These Are A Few of My Favorite Bling!
Every year, I like to reflect on another year of running and the best races of the year. This year, my favorite races include some amazing bling and so I've rated my Top 10 Bling of the Year! It was a really tough year to decide on my favorites as I added so many awesome medals to the collection. #10 - Snohomish River Run Half Marathon and 10K medal. I ran the half marathon, but those of both distances get the same medal. I kind of like having a unique one for the half marathon distance, but they did a nice job with this medal and it is really big bling! This race is run by Snohomish Running Company and they had a choice of soup at the finish line, which helped us warm up. #9 - One of my favorite annual events is the Hop Hop Half Marathon and they seriously have the best perks after the race - mimosas, hot breakfast, it's pretty amazing! The medal this year was a popular spinning medal of their mascot. Another cute touch at this race is the ...