A Total Skirt Takeover!
Skirt Sports Ambassador Weekend
How do you sum up the most amazing weekend with Skirt Sisters from all over the country who found a common bond and their love of Skirt Sports? It's so hard to share the excitement and joy with words, so I'm including a ton of pictures that say much more than I could ever explain. **Although I do not get paid by Skirt Sports, I do receive discounts and perks for being an Ambassador and spreading skirt love.The opening reception/shopping...

The hike...it was pretty hot and sunny that day, so I got burned even after applying and reapplying sunscreen. So, bring a strong sunscreen with you to Colorado in June! You won't be sorry! I took the shorter hike just to be sure that I didn't overdo it before the half marathon the next day. These ladies were great company on the hike!
My roomies...I had the best roommates ever and so thankful these ladies were part of my weekend!
Jessi is from Michigan and Anne from New Jersey. They felt like real sisters all weekend and they didn't even get mad at me for pacing the room to get in my final steps of the night for my work's Road to Rio contest! :)
The 13er...not half of anything!
Many of us were a little concerned about the altitude and it was no joke. The hills were actually no problem at all. Being from the West Coast, I've seen much worse hills in a race and that part wasn't bad at all. I did struggle with the elevation and ended up walking a majority of the race with some short bursts of running. Jenn and Anne were the best running buddies that day and we stopped and enjoyed every moment of the view and the beautiful day!
Although it took me 40 minutes longer than my normal finish times, I was happy to finally get to the finish line! The best part of this race was I was never alone! Jenn and Anne made every moment out there worthwhile and I never got bored!

To be continued...I'm not done sharing photos of this amazing weekend, so stay tuned!
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