First Double Half Marathon Weekend

Race 1: Oregon Summer Half Marathon I've done plenty of back to back 10K and Half Marathons and thought that was my limit but in July, I took on a new challenge and decided to try a double half marathon weekend. The first race was the Oregon Summer Half Marathon put on by Uberthons and honestly, it was a beautiful run! They shuttled us to the top of this hill in a state park, lush scenery all around and an awesome downhill start! The race was extremely organized. The photo below is from the start line. Wearing my Skirt Sport Mod Quad in Clarity print I honestly give Uberthons an above and beyond award and this is why. I was driving from about 2.5 hours away and arrived at 10 p.m. that night when packet pick-up ended hours earlier. I happened to book a room at the hotel where they were hosting packet pick-up and I very apologetically asked if it might be possible to leave my packet at the front desk. Not expecting a positi...