The Joys and Pains of my Running Life

So, I lost about 95 pounds a couple of years ago and figured out how to manage my nutrition in a healthy way, how to add protein to my diet (Ideal Shape shakes), how to take out the "wrong carbs" and sugar, etc. It was easy to stick to my plan, ended up sidelined from running for a while with two injuries, and kept the weight off! Until... I started running again! Sounds like such a contradiction but yes, some pesky pounds found their way back and discouragement set in. doesn't make sense to gain weight when I'm running a half marathon almost every week, training for three full marathons (Portland, Seattle, and New York City) and eating about the same EXCEPT the night before and the day of the long run! Who knew that two days of change in my nutrition plan is all it took to sabotage me? Well, that and STRESS and LACK of SLEEP! OMG...I just figured it out...changes to two nutrition days, added stress and lack of sleep and boom, no wo...