Starting Over!

The Start Line is Here... I know I'm not the only runner with an injury sob story and I'm recovering the best I can from some sciatic issues and plantar fasciitis. But, spring racing season is upon us and time to test out my legs who have been on such a long break. In early March, I completed the Hot Chocolate 5K, which was just a warm up run for future weeks and hot chocolate is a ton of fun, so it was a great way to jump back into the game. March Races Hot Chocolate 5K Then, right after St. Patrick's Day, I traveled to a race in Vancouver, WA...the Couve Clover Run and although I was slow, my first two miles were at pre-injury pace. I hit mile 1 and heard the voice on my Nike app say "10 minutes 26 seconds" that point I reminded myself to slow down and take it easy! The next several miles got slower and slower until I had to walk. But, I shocked myself and placed in the 7 mile race! I got 3rd place in my division and an awe...